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Gyorugi - Fighting


There are several ways to gain or lose points when fighting or sparring:

  1. One point for a valid punch to the trunk protector

  2. Two Points for a valid kick to the trunk protector

  3. Four points for a valid turning kick to the trunk protector

  4. Three points for a valid kick to the head

  5. Five points for a valid turning kick to the head

  6. One point awarded for every penalty (known as gam-jeom) given against the opponent


Points can be awarded to your opponent for any of the following actions:

  1. Stepping outside the fighting area

  2. Punching to the face or below the belt

  3. Kicking below the belt

  4. Attacking with knees or you head

  5. Blocking with your feet

  6. Falling over

  7. Avoiding fighting or delaying the fight

  8. Grabbing your opponent

  9. Pushing without a follow-up kick

  10. Attacking the opponent when they are on the ground

  11. Misconduct or unsportsmanlike behaviour

Monday & Wednesday
6:30pm to 7:30pm
Saturday 10:00am Juniors / 11:00am Seniors U3A at Fairpark Reserve, 1a Park Boulevard, Ferntree Gully.Vic 3156
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